October 24th SEMINAR SCHEDULE-1Autism_Seminar_Poster

New Information for Parents and Caregivers- Adults and Children with Autism: Diagnosis and Treatment

Two Day workshop being held on Saturday and Sunday, October 24th and 25th presented by CHIRP International, in partnership with, and for the benefit of, Stars for Life Foundation for Autism and the Autism Society of Prince Edward Island

Saturday, October 24th includes Leading edge Autism Research and Practice, Allergies,  Motor Control, Visual Processing, Brains Structure, Energy Medicine

Sunday, October 25th includes a choice of Workshop A: Autism and Body Talk led by Kelley Burry www.namasteesperenza.com or Workshop B: Autism: The HANDLE Approach led by Nancy Ceulemans www.uniquelearning.ca


Further details and registration can be found at www.CHIRPINTL.com